Friday, February 28, 2014

Travel Day

Thursday as I traveled from Odessa toward London, I received word of my dear friend, Gary Tate, passing into Heaven.  He left an amazing legacy!

Today I awoke in the air over London to the sounds of flight attendants scurrying around with breakfast snacks.   Tomorrow I will awake in a bed in Kamulu to the sounds of young boys still tired from their own overseas flights!

The next two weeks will be filled with hustle and bustle working with name getters, follow up workers and office staff at the WBS Headquarters in Kamulu.  Then we will travel cross country to Ndiwha where Alfayo has arranged meetings with WBS students at each of the churches he oversees and women's meetings as well.  We will stay in his home on the grounds of the orphanage for several nights enjoying the children in our leisure and in their vespers morning and evening.

I will post accounts and photos as the wifi service allows.