Saturday, October 6, 2012


Friday morning we split into two groups. Frances took Mary Sue to visit in the orphanages and homes of Tobias and Alfayo. They had a wonderful experience giving Jonnie her first look at KWO! She was amazed and will not stop talking of her adventures for a long time. Mary Sue and Jonnie enjoyed honoring Alfayo's wife Eunice and Tobias' wife Agnes while they were on their campuses for tours.

John, Maureen, Rispa and I met with the "name getters" all morning. We had a very productive meeting as they got to visit with each other and learn methods and ideas to enhance their work in entering every secondary school in Kenya. There they visit with every student to offer them the opportunity to study the bible through correspondence courses. The names they collect in the schools are forwarded to Maureen who sends them their very first lesson. From there the students send the completed lessons back to Maureen who mails them to the US to be distributed to teachers for scoring. Then the process is continued between teacher and student with Maureen serving as our liaison.
The evening held a precious moment as Mary Sue presented each of the twelve workers with a pencil sketch she had done of them. The men were delighted with their gifts. As they began to head out, the lights went out. Everyone stayed in our great room for a sing-a-long till time for dinner.

1 comment:

  1. This was a great post explaining so much you are accomplishing on this trip. Jonney shows how she is enjoying it all. I am most impressed with Mary Sue's talent!! Richly blessed for sure!!
